Causes of Infertility

There is nothing as painful as being able to bear children as a woman especially when it is all you want. Many ends up being stressed and depressed as a result of this heartbreaking and helpless situation. The trauma and stigma of infertility can be quite the burden to bear and this explains the increasing number of fertility clinics. This number also reflects the alarming cases of infertility and people seeking help which begs the question, why is it happening? Painful as it may be, every problem has a cause and explanation and this one is no exception. As the number of fertility consultations increase, extensive research has been done into the issue and possible explanations given for each unique scenario. Having this information can be enlightening and might even help to solve some of the issues that might be the root of the problem.

The first cause of infertility is imbalances in hormones. Late, irregular, skipped and even multiple periods in a month are all situations that can explained by hormonal imbalances. Reproductive hormones are affected by this irregularity hence the infertility issues. The hormonal imbalances also happen when the secreting glands are infected and therefore unable to perform well. On the same issue of hormonal imbalances, infertility can also be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, the functioning of ovaries is affected by the cysts that form as a result of an imbalance in hormones. The outcome is irregular periods or their lack thereof for long periods of time. With irregular periods, the probability of becoming pregnant decreases and even grows close to zero without periods.

Infertility is also caused by a condition called endometriosis where the uterus is formed in other places. With this condition, the uterus develops in places like fallopian tube and the ovaries. This is not only painful for most women, but also creates an environment that is unconducive and dangerous for a baby to develop in. Fallopian tube blockage can also occur therefore reducing the chances of pregnancy to close to nothing. The good news is, this condition is treatable with both medication and surgery. Just like with endometriosis, irritation of the fallopian tube can also be caused by sexually-transmitted diseases and may also cause blockage. This is why testing for such infections is important before any attempts to get pregnant and this way any possible risks are averted. Other causes of infertility are obesity and being overweight. Technically you may be able to conceive but carrying the baby to term may be a problem because the chances of miscarriages in overweight individuals are higher. This also applies to cases of age.